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September 2020 update on the implementation of the Abidjan Principles on the right to education

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September 2020 update on the implementation of the Abidjan Principles on the right to education
Dear *|FNAME|*,

As you will see below, a number of reports have been released and events have taken place which have used the Abidjan Principles as guidelines. The Principles are continuing their growing uptake by a range of institutions - and even inspire other sectors, like water! There will be more soon, with new projects making progress and audio-visual material published in the coming months.

Below is an overview of the key developments that have taken place since our last update in April. 

For more information, follow the developments on the Abidjan Principles website, and on Twitter via the hashtag #AbidjanPrinciples.

  • In Argentina, the Asociación Civil por la Igualdad de la Justicia (ACIJ) and the Human Rights Center of the University of Buenos Aires's Law School filed a class action against the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, arguing that private schools systematically reject children with disabilities, and that the local Government failed to regulate it. The complaint largely drew from the Abidjan Principles, addressing the obligation of the local government to monitor compliance of private institutions with the right to education and ensure access to an effective remedy for violations of the right to education and for any human rights abuses by a private actor involved in education. On 23rd September, the judge granted precautionary measures requiring the Government to take immediate action, in a resolution that validates many of the arguments from the complaint. 

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